
Toroid – Redesigning the Website for Enhanced Usability and SEO

Overview: Toroid, a leading company in the manufacturing of transformers and inductors, engaged Wys Agency to redesign their website. The goal was to create a cleaner, more user-friendly interface, optimize site performance, and improve SEO to drive organic traffic.


  1. Modernizing the Design: The existing website needed a fresh, modern look that reflected Toroid’s innovation and technical expertise.
  2. Improving Usability: Simplifying navigation and making the site more intuitive for users were key priorities.
  3. Enhancing Performance: Optimizing the website’s speed and performance to ensure a smooth user experience.
  4. Boosting SEO: Implementing SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Solutions Implemented:

1. Website Redesign:

We developed a new, responsive website with a focus on:

  • Modern Aesthetics: A clean, professional design that enhances brand perception and user experience.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Simplified menu structures and clear call-to-actions to make it easy for users to find the information they need.

2. Usability Improvements:

We conducted user experience research to identify pain points and implemented:

  • User-Centric Design: Design elements and navigation flows that prioritize ease of use and accessibility.
  • Streamlined Content: Organized and optimized content to ensure clarity and relevance for the user.

3. Performance Optimization:

To enhance the website’s speed and overall performance, we:

  • Optimized Code: Cleaned up the codebase for faster load times and better performance.
  • Enhanced Server Response: Implemented caching strategies and optimized server configurations.

4. SEO Enhancements:

We applied advanced SEO techniques to boost Toroid’s search visibility, including:

  • Keyword Optimization: Targeted relevant keywords throughout the site content and meta tags.
  • Technical SEO: Improved site structure, XML sitemaps, and URL structures to enhance crawlability and indexing by search engines.
  • Content Strategy: Developed high-quality, keyword-rich content to attract and engage visitors.

Results Achieved:

  • Improved User Experience: The new design and enhanced usability led to a significant increase in user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Faster Load Times: Performance optimizations resulted in faster page load times, improving overall user experience and reducing bounce rates.
  • Higher SEO Rankings: The SEO enhancements led to a noticeable improvement in search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to the site.
  • Increased Traffic: The combination of improved design, usability, and SEO led to a substantial increase in website traffic.


The Toroid website redesign project is a prime example of how strategic web development and SEO practices can transform a company’s digital presence. The new website not only meets the client’s needs for a modern, user-friendly interface but also enhances performance and search visibility, delivering tangible business results.

At Wys Agency, we are committed to helping our clients succeed by providing tailored digital solutions that drive growth and engagement. The Toroid case showcases our expertise in creating impactful web experiences that align with our client’s goals.


99 POP

Success Case: 99 Pop – Comprehensive Marketing Strategy for Market Leadership

Client: 99 Pop

Overview: 99 Pop, one of the leading ride-hailing services in Brazil, approached Wys Agency with the goal of enhancing its digital presence and solidifying its market leadership. Our mission was to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that would drive user engagement, increase brand awareness, and boost user acquisition.


  1. Increasing User Base: 99 Pop aimed to significantly grow its user base, both drivers and passengers, in an increasingly competitive market.
  2. Brand Differentiation: With several competitors in the market, it was crucial to differentiate 99 Pop and highlight its unique value propositions.
  3. Enhancing User Engagement: The client needed to increase engagement rates across digital channels to foster loyalty and retention among its users.

Solutions Implemented:

1. Digital Campaigns:

We executed a series of targeted digital campaigns to attract and retain both drivers and passengers. These campaigns included:

  • Paid Search and Social Ads: Leveraging Google Ads and social media platforms to reach potential users with tailored messages and promotions.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with key influencers to amplify 99 Pop’s reach and create authentic connections with the audience.

2. Content Marketing:

We developed a content marketing strategy focused on creating valuable and engaging content, including:

  • Blog Posts and Articles: Providing insights, tips, and stories relevant to both drivers and passengers.
  • Video Content: Producing engaging videos showcasing user experiences, driver stories, and the benefits of using 99 Pop.

3. SEO Optimization:

To ensure 99 Pop’s visibility in search engine results, we implemented advanced SEO techniques:

  • Keyword Optimization: Identifying and targeting high-volume keywords relevant to the ride-hailing industry.
  • On-Page and Off-Page SEO: Enhancing the website’s content and building quality backlinks to improve search engine rankings.

4. Social Media Engagement:

We managed 99 Pop’s social media profiles, focusing on:

  • Community Building: Creating a vibrant and interactive community of users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • User Interaction: Promptly responding to user inquiries, feedback, and comments to foster a positive brand image.

Results Achieved:

  • Growth in User Base: Our efforts resulted in a substantial increase in both driver and passenger sign-ups, significantly expanding 99 Pop’s user base.
  • Improved Brand Awareness: The comprehensive marketing strategy enhanced 99 Pop’s brand visibility and recognition in the market.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: The strategic use of content and social media led to increased user engagement and interaction.
  • Enhanced Search Rankings: The SEO optimization efforts improved 99 Pop’s search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to the website.


The success of the 99 Pop project demonstrates the impact of a well-rounded and strategic marketing approach. Through targeted campaigns, engaging content, SEO optimization, and active social media management, we were able to meet and exceed 99 Pop’s objectives, strengthening its position as a market leader.

At Wys Agency, we are dedicated to helping brands achieve their goals through innovative and effective digital marketing solutions. The 99 Pop case is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional results.


Osda Solar

Success Case: Osda Solar – Digital Transformation with Full-Service Marketing

Osda Solar, a leading company in solar energy solutions, sought Wys Agency for a complete overhaul of its digital presence. Our goal was to create a modern and functional website and implement a full-service marketing strategy that positioned Osda Solar as a global leader in the sector.


Challenges Faced

When we began the project, we identified several crucial challenges:

  1. Digital Rebranding: Osda Solar needed a website that reflected its innovation and commitment to sustainability.
  2. Integrated Marketing Strategy: It was essential to develop a marketing strategy that encompassed SEO, PPC campaigns, content marketing, and social media.
  3. Global Expansion: The company sought to increase its international presence, reaching new markets and strengthening its global brand.

Solutions Implemented

1. Website Development

We created a responsive, intuitive website aligned with the best UX/UI practices. The new Osda Solar website features:

  • Modern Design: A clean and professional interface with visual elements that highlight the company’s products and services.
  • Intuitive Navigation: A simplified navigation structure to facilitate access to information.
  • SEO Optimization: Implementation of advanced on-page SEO techniques, including meta tags, friendly URLs, and optimized content.

2. Full-Service Marketing Strategy

We developed a comprehensive marketing strategy, including:

  • SEO and Content: Creation of relevant and optimized content to improve search engine rankings.
  • PPC and Online Advertising: Paid advertising campaigns focused on strategic keywords to attract qualified leads.
  • Social Media Marketing: Management of social media profiles to engage the target audience and increase brand visibility.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and retain existing customers.


Results Achieved

The impact of our work was significant, delivering impressive results for Osda Solar:

  • Increase in Website Traffic: The new website, combined with SEO techniques, resulted in a 150% increase in organic traffic.
  • Generation of Qualified Leads: PPC campaigns and content strategies led to a 200% increase in the generation of qualified leads.
  • International Expansion: With a strengthened digital presence, Osda Solar successfully entered new markets, increasing its international customer base.
  • Social Media Engagement: Social media management led to a 180% increase in audience engagement, strengthening the brand’s connection with its followers.


The success of the Osda Solar project is a testament to the effectiveness of a well-executed digital marketing strategy. With a modern website and a full-service marketing approach, we not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations, solidifying Osda Solar’s global presence.

At Wys Agency, we are committed to helping companies achieve their business goals through innovative and integrated digital solutions. The Osda Solar case is just one example of how we transform challenges into opportunities and tangible results.



#Marketing Case Studies and Success Stories

At the Wys Agency, we pride ourselves on building success stories with our clients. One of our highlights is our work with Peptpure, an innovative brand in the peptide market. Our partnership has spanned several fronts, from full-service digital marketing to the development of the brand’s official website, as well as the organization of events and offline campaigns.

Digital Marketing Full Service
Our team of digital marketing experts worked tirelessly to increase Peptpure’s online presence. We implemented comprehensive strategies that included SEO, content marketing, paid media campaigns and social media management. As a result, we were able to significantly increase website traffic and social media interaction, leading to a notable growth in online sales.

Development of the official website
Peptpure’s official website was designed and developed by our web design team, focusing on user experience and conversion. We used the best practices of responsive design and advanced functionalities to ensure that visitors had a fluid navigation and could easily find all the information about the products. The result was a website that was modern, functional and aligned with the brand’s identity.

Offline Events and Campaigns
In addition to online actions, we also coordinate a series of offline events and campaigns for Peptpure. We organized product launches, workshops and participations in industry fairs, creating valuable opportunities for direct engagement with the public. Our offline campaigns complemented the digital strategies, reinforcing the brand’s presence across multiple channels.

Results and impact
The impact of these actions was significant. Peptpure experienced a significant increase in its visibility and brand recognition, which translated into a growth in sales and customer loyalty. The collaboration between Peptpure and the Wys Agency exemplifies our commitment to excellence and our ability to deliver tangible results.



In the market for over 60 years, Celmar Móveis has become a reference in the furniture sector, standing out for the differences offered by the brand. The use of selected raw materials associated with high-technology equipment results in a high quality product. Respect for the environment is also part of Celmar’s policy, which is why all the sheets used in the production of furniture come from renewable, ecologically managed forests with the Green Seal (FSC).

To increase sales in physical stores, Celmar Móveis invested in Digital Marketing with the aim of generating leads and visits to the establishment and managed to impact people close to the stores at the time of purchase.
